25x 37,5 cm Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, silk organza champagne color, embroidery thread

Het Portugese woord 'saudade' beschrijft de mengeling van gevoelens van verlies, gemis, afstand en liefde. In het Nederlands wordt dit vaak vertaald met 'weemoed'. Deze serie gaat over dat gevoel. 

The Portugese word 'saudade' describes a mixture of feelings of loss, despair, distance and love. In Dutch this is often translated as 'melancholy'. This series is about that feeling. 
'Ultima festa', 25x37,5 cm, Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, felt wool
'Ultima festa', 25x37,5 cm, Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, felt wool
'Fluxo' 32x32 cm, Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, hand spun wool, dyed in rhubarb root
'Fluxo' 32x32 cm, Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, hand spun wool, dyed in rhubarb root
'Sonhos' , 25x37,5 cm, Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, hand spun wool, dyed in rhubarb root
'Sonhos' , 25x37,5 cm, Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, hand spun wool, dyed in rhubarb root
'Avenida', 32x32 cm Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, silk organza, felt wool, embroidery thread
'Avenida', 32x32 cm Epson Fine Art Cotton Smooth Natural, silk organza, felt wool, embroidery thread

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